About SDR Valuations

SDR Valuations Business Focus

sdr valuations valueValue is a concept which can be easily misinterpreted or even misrepresented. In cases when a strict definition of value is required for a particular purpose, a service of a professional, who can assign such value, based on a set of objective criteria, is mandatory.

SDR Valuations was founded in Toronto to service such needs for clients in Ontario and in Canada in general. We understand the concept of value and have a lot of hard-earned experience in this complex subject matter. When you need to document and represent the value of an asset or assets within a given context, we are here to help. While keeping our objectivity and abiding by the rules of the trade and the law, SDR Valuations offers objective and clear valuation opinion in a form of easy to read and understand report formats.

SDR Valuations Areas of Practice

  • Business valuations including intangible assets
  • Shareholder and partnership disputes
  • Breach of contract disputes
  • Intellectual property disputes
  • Family law disputes including support issues
  • Fraud and forensic investigations
  • Financial due diligence
  • Civil and commercial litigation
  • Expropriation claims

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Counterfeit Goods Impact


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by Steven Rayson   The counterfeiting industry has expanded greatly in recent years in terms of the range of counterfeited products that are now available. These include, among other things, airline parts; automobile parts; batteries; cigarettes and accessories; cosmetics; films … Continue reading

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